I'm a compare-er. Yep, pretty sure that's not a word, but I just used it. ;) Here's my definitions:
1. One that has a hard time making decisions without someone's opinion.
Life has never been further from reality...further from the truth. For a society that has everything at its fingertips, people have never lived less. I honestly don't have a profound answer for why, but I can tell you this- we are consumed. We are in bondage. And I don't know about you, but I am more than ready to be uprooted and freed from these roots...and live.
I think it's important to also realize, we can't fully be uprooted if we cling to Americanized Christianity or religion. Our society has twisted what it means to be a Christian and most people couldn't be further from the truth. If we desire and cling to our possessions, our money, our big homes, our morals, our "blessings," or even being obsessed about our health, we are missing. it. all. We justify all of those things, we are good at twisting our desires as his, but in reality it's the furthest thing from Jesus Christ that we can get- and it's nothing but wrong.
2. One that second guesses EVERYTHING once said party, errand, purchase, etc. is done.
3. One who gets on Pinterest and Instagram and thinks "everything I have isn't good enough" or "why couldn't I think of that?"
4. One who gets on Facebook, looks at other's pictures and thinks, "How are they so perfect?"
5. One who "shuts down" socially, if intimidated.
6. And finally, One who dwells on the past with regret and wishes things had been done differently.
This has always been a major issue in my life, and honestly social media has fed this struggle like no other! Each definition can be traced down to the ugly root of comparison. For a perfectionist (or anyone really)- a society that is seeking and displaying "perfection," it can be miserable. In no way am I surprised, but, I've been speaking with many girls about this lately...there are more people struggling with this than you think, and if you're one of them, I beg you- chew on what you're about to read.
Life has never been further from reality...further from the truth. For a society that has everything at its fingertips, people have never lived less. I honestly don't have a profound answer for why, but I can tell you this- we are consumed. We are in bondage. And I don't know about you, but I am more than ready to be uprooted and freed from these roots...and live.
Friends, we need truth...we need Christ. He is where we find life. He is where our identity is found. He is who we should compare ourselves to! When we come to this reality, these ugly, sinful roots can be severed! Because, and only because Christ already severed them on the cross!
I think it's important to also realize, we can't fully be uprooted if we cling to Americanized Christianity or religion. Our society has twisted what it means to be a Christian and most people couldn't be further from the truth. If we desire and cling to our possessions, our money, our big homes, our morals, our "blessings," or even being obsessed about our health, we are missing. it. all. We justify all of those things, we are good at twisting our desires as his, but in reality it's the furthest thing from Jesus Christ that we can get- and it's nothing but wrong.
This war within ourselves...this comparison craze- it can be won. But how do we break this cycle- this war? We can lift ourselves up out of that life-sucking soil and place ourselves in his life-giving grace daily. That will give us life-giving roots that will enable us to grow and branch out to love on this world- a world in need of living.
So, seek out the true Jesus- the one who gave everything, the one who commanded us to give and love, not to take and consume.
Accept your imperfection- embrace his perfection. Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God. (paraphrased) Micah 6:8.