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Friday, July 19, 2013

Beautiful Things- A Sleepless Night & Minivan Ride

I should totally be passed out in the floor of the minivan I'm riding in, but instead I'm finding myself laughing, talking, and munching on gas station snacks!

Let me back up- last night was probably the worst night of sleep (more like no sleep) that I've ever had! I literally fell asleep as the sun was coming up! So needless to say, I'm tired and somewhat grumpy. BUT I'm choosing, right now (especially after an entire night of not being thankful, in the least!), to see the beauty around me- my beautiful friends, our beautiful conversations, and their beautiful hearts for Christ- instead of my selfish sleepiness ;) 

               I truly love these ladies! 

Happy Friday y'all! 



  1. aw yay! we made your blog! (you like how i'm blowing up your blog comments sections?)

    1. Ahaha! I LOVE you blowing up my comment sections! ❤
