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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Confessions of a Christian Blogger

I started this blog last year, out of a tiny desire that quickly turned into a hobby. It's now developed into something I love so deeply- it’s a passion.

I know it’s something small. I’m small in this big picture of life. I know it’s not well-known, but the message I desire to send is known- as far as the east is from the west. I know everyone may not care, but He does.

That’s enough for me, because he is enough. 

And no matter who this blog reaches, no matter if 1 person or 50 people read it- it has a purpose. Everything can have a purpose. I rest in that.

However, I do have a restlessness. I do fear that I insert myself and my selfish desires where I need to be silent and in the background. I am human! But, I am learning to be cautious of my intentions and my words. 

I need to become less of the focus and he needs to become more- this is crucial. I believe there’s a balance and I’m searching for it...

This restlessness has also sparked my thoughts about other blogs. Am I really aware of what I read? Our world is in the midst of a “blog craze.” And it’s easy to become caught-up in the thoughts of another.

Ideas and beliefs are floating around for any soul to adopt and take to heart- to believe as truth. Because of this, I think it’s essential for us to keep ourselves and each other “in-check.”  

Words can certainly be life-giving and inspirational, but that’s not always the case. Even lies can be disguised as truths, then shared for days on Facebook and Pinterest. 

Ask yourself this- What are people’s intentions? Are they staying true to the Gospel? What can I take from it? What am I "feeding" on social media? What am I "feeding" my soul? 

I think those are important questions to keep in our hearts as we read our favorite blogs and authors. After all, they are human too.

On the flip-side, a beautiful aspect of this “blog craze” is how we can celebrate our differences, uniqueness, new ideas, resurrections of old ideas, and grow in ways we could have never expected- all by people’s hearts and passions, that they so graciously share. And that it can be published in seconds- at our fingertips! 

It’s honestly a gift, we just need to use it well and wisely.

So, fellow bloggers, fellow writers, famous or not- keep sharing your passions, your words, your gift to others, but remember the influence you have. 

In some cases, you hold your reader’s beliefs in the palm of your hand. It’s a delicate and precious gift, but it’s one that desperately needs to be placed in the Savior's hands- He can keep our words pure, creative, and from the very fiber of His being.

Fellow readers- Bathe it in prayer. Proceed with caution. Be real and honest. Celebrate differences. Take from it what you can. But stay true to the Gospel. 

It's as real and true as it gets. 

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