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Friday, December 20, 2013

Unseen Gifts

After starting a full-time job again, I began to realize how selfish I became with my time. I began to realize how little I had left to give at the end of the day. Everyday chores that I loved to do for my little family became dreaded tasks that I didn't have time for. Even blogging became one huge writer’s block. I became somewhat bitter- I wanted to find joy in everything, but I felt like I didn't have enough time or energy. Ultimately, I started to realize I was shutting down and sinning in my own, somewhat secret way. And one evening a few weeks ago, my soul woke up and surrendered in a BI-LO parking lot.

Have you ever gone grocery shopping in the after-everyone-gets-off-work time? Gosh. It’s like a fight-for-your-life-down-every-aisle type of experience. Honestly, I felt like I was risking my life by crossing the aisle for a can of peanuts. I even found myself huffing and puffing when I grabbed a gallon of milk and a bag of frozen green-beans (I mean, who does that!?).  In a way, it’s comical, but more than anything, it’s sad. It’s sad that people can act so inhumane- like others around them don’t even exist. A simple smile or polite “excuse me” didn't even phase them. I felt invisible.

After leaving the store with a huge pity-party going on in my heart (I’m talking party-hats and the whole shebang) - I paused:

How many times have I been that inhumane person?
How many times have I ignored people around me?
How many times have I given nothing to someone that needed anything?

Truth: more times than I can count. 

Loving others can be exhausting. Being relational can be exhausting.

But, that’s what we were created to do. That’s what we were created to be.

And when I selfishly hoard time that isn’t even mine (it's His!), make relationships about me, and allow myself to relationally shutdown- I not only create selfishness and exhaustion,  I create a kingdom that serves me, instead of a kingdom that serves Him.

Praise the Lord, His grace and love still abounds in it all.

Loving others doesn't require you to have a part-time job instead of a full-time job- it doesn’t require you to add a billion things to your schedule- it doesn’t require a huge scene with recognition- loving others is simply this: taking your eyes off of yourself, and giving moments of selflessness- moments that show love…moments that reveal Jesus, even when His name isn’t spoken.

Little moments can make big impacts.

A smile, letter in the mail, breakfast or coffee date where Truth is spoken, or even a soggy, wet note on a car from a friend on a rainy day, can be impactful- it can become a part of their healing process, a part of their story. And it can become a part of yours too. 

So look past the grumpiness, look past the smiles- we have no idea what their hearts are facing in that moment.

Give to others anyway.  

Even the unseen gifts are just as important to give. 

Galatians 5:13-15 

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