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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Love Right Where You Are

So today, I woke up with my community burning on my heart.

I woke up feeling an intensity that I've never had before.

Seeing faces of mommies that have lost their precious babies. And seeing humble people and leaders that serve relentlessly to love them.

Seeing faces of sweet children in Africa that are hungry for knowledge, unconditional love, and full bellies. And seeing the compassionate couple that made their dream of a school meeting those needs come alive.

The neat thing- I don't have to travel to Texas or to Africa to impact and love on these people (although, I pray for that opportunity!).

I can do it right here.

I've bought a t-shirt supporting One Heart Africa and pray diligently for every facet of their organization.

Most recently, I committed to 8 weeks of praying for the leaders and mommies of Hope Mommies.

These are people in our church community! They are our "neighbors".

I'm not giving myself a "gold star" here. I'm sharing this to say, we can love right here, right now.

In ways that may seem small, but can do big things.

There's power in prayer. There's power in support. There's power in community.

Your way of support may look different than mine.

And it doesn't always have to stay the same- I pray mine won't stay stagnate, and will grow as my heart and these organizations grow.

That's the beauty of love.
That's the beauty of ministry.
That's the beauty of different seasons in life.

Even though we're involved with a semi-young church plant, it's mind-blowing to see how many gifts, talents, and passions that already exist.

And in that family, there are many ways that our community and world are impacted!

And not just in the typical ways labeled as "missions."

We not only love each other inside our church community, but we also love outside of it. Churched and Unchurched.

That's encouraging.

Encouraging in the sense that we all have been given certain gifts and passions. And we can creatively use those gifts to love on people around us and across the world.

Not matter what the outcome! Love is still present.

That's the Gospel.

As Christ-followers, we shouldn't have the pressure of being involved in everything. We shouldn't have guilt for not always supporting perfectly. We shouldn't have shame for not being personally present in it all.


Because Christ gives us freedom and grace.

He gives us freedom to love and grace when we fail- to minister in ways that we can most effectively show people His love.

We're all different.

Some like-minded- some not.

But, we're all His body.

Here to love, serve, and grow. 

Here to love right where you are. 

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