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Tuesday, October 1, 2013


So this little vacay was much needed. We needed to just get away from things.

We needed conversation, laughter, no alarms, and meals shared with close friends.

We needed to just rest.

It's funny how sometimes, you don't realize how much you need something until you do it...

Or how much just stepping away, breathing, and not having to think provides a rejuvenation that you can't explain.

You get recharged.
You get sore stomachs and cheeks from laughing so hard.
You get full- not just from food.
You get warmth from the sun, and warmth in your heart.
You learn people's stories- you realize your own.
You get reminded of what you have.
You get joy.

So often, I forget that I can do that here. I forget that resting doesn't always have to be labeled, planned, and executed as a "vacation". (although, those times are definitely needed!)

You can be recharged by resting in him.

By stepping away and breathing.
By simple coffee dates.
By sharing meals.
By doing the everyday-mundane things.
By enjoying a good book.
By exploring your community.
By just being with your family.

All these things can be restful- by resting in him!

Look for him, today. He's there.

Rest in his truths. Recharge. 


  1. i love your sweet face a whole bunch. coffee, pleeeeease?

    1. YESSSS! It's a must this week. Look for mah text ;)
